Psychic Intuitive Readers Wanted

Tarot Readers and Psychics Wanted
What is a Psychic Reading? Submit Your Contract Useful Phone Numbers
and Web Links
Tarot Questionnaire

Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Clairaudiant, Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, I-Ching, Runes

DO A READING ON US! We have been contracting Intuitve Psychics, Tarot Readers, Astrologers and many others for over 20 years. We have the experience and the tools to help you make this a successful experience for yourself.

When choosing a management group to work with ask yourself these questions:

  • How long have they been in the Psychic contracting business?
  • Do they believe in the work they are doing?
  • Do they Pay regularly and on Time? Do they offer direct deposit at no charge?
  • Are they staffed with real readers and spiritually minded individuals?
  • Do they respect your traditions and encourage you to maintain your rituals?
  • Do they take a hands off approach to your own business?
  • Can you contract with them at no charge?
  • Do they have the tools to help you understand the lines your work with?

Intuitive Staffing and Consulting - Psychic Contracting Service is staffed by persons who have been in the trenches. We understand the difficulties of Psychics working from home. We are expert Tarot readers and spiritual motivators who have developed the tools to help you succeed as a Psychic Line Reader.

Simply stated ... Do a Reading on Us ... then give us a call at 559-473-6933 and follow the link below to get started!

For more information Click Here!

Intuitive Staffing and Consulting